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Dpb4p (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is product of expression of DPB4 gene.

FUNCTION: DNA polymerase epsilon (DNA polymerase II) participates in chromosomal DNA replication. It is required during synthesis of the leading and lagging DNA strands at the replication fork and binds at/or near replication origins and moves along DNA with the replication fork. It has 3'-5' proofreading exonuclease activity that correct errors arising during DNA replication. It is also involved in DNA synthesis during DNA repair. Also functions as component of the ISW2 complex, which acts in remodeling the chromatin by catalyzing an ATP-dependent alteration in the structure of nucleosomal DNA. THe ISW2 complex is involved in coordinating transcriptional repression and in inheritance of telomeric silencing. It is involved in repression of MAT a- specific genes, INO1, and early meiotic genes during mitotic growth dependent upon transcription factor UME6 and in a parallel pathway to the RPD3-SIN3 histone deacetylase complex.

CATALYTIC ACTIVITY: Deoxynucleoside triphosphate + DNA(n) = diphosphate + DNA(n+1).

SUBUNIT: DNA polymerase epsilon is a heterotetramer consisting of POL2, DPB2, DPB3 and DPB4. Component of the ISW2 complex, which at least consists of ISW2, ITC1, DLS1 and DPB4.

INTERACTION: P09938:RNR2; NbExp=1; IntAct=EBI-29938, EBI-15240;


MISCELLANEOUS: In eukaryotes there are five DNA polymerases: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon which are responsible for different reactions of DNA synthesis.

MISCELLANEOUS: Present with 2100 molecules/cell in log phase SD medium.

NCBI GenPept GI number(s): 6320326
Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Links to other databases:

Database ID Link
Uniprot Q04603 Q04603
PFAM: - Q04603 (Link - using uniprot id)
InterPro: - Q04603 (Link - using uniprot id)
CATH: - -
SCOP: - -
PDB: - -

Protein sequence:

Dpb4p (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is able to recognize following damages:

Title Authors Journal
The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome IV. Jacq C, Alt-Morbe J, Andre B, Arnold W, Bahr A, Ballesta JP, Bargues M, Baron L, Becker A, Biteau N, Blocker H, Blugeon C, Boskovic J, Brandt P, Bruckner M, Buitrago MJ, Coster F, Delaveau T, del Rey F, Dujon B, Eide LG, Garcia-Cantalejo JM, Goffeau A, Gomez-Peris A, Zaccaria P, et al. Nature May 1, 1997
Structure and function of the fourth subunit (Dpb4p) of DNA polymerase epsilon in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ohya T, Maki S, Kawasaki Y, Sugino A Nucleic Acids Res Oct. 15, 2000
The Isw2 chromatin remodeling complex represses early meiotic genes upon recruitment by Ume6p. Goldmark JP, Fazzio TG, Estep PW, Church GM, Tsukiyama T Cell Oct. 27, 2000
Interactions of Isw2 chromatin remodeling complex with nucleosomal arrays: analyses using recombinant yeast histones and immobilized templates. Gelbart ME, Rechsteiner T, Richmond TJ, Tsukiyama T Mol Cell Biol March 1, 2001
Widespread collaboration of Isw2 and Sin3-Rpd3 chromatin remodeling complexes in transcriptional repression. Fazzio TG, Kooperberg C, Goldmark JP, Neal C, Basom R, Delrow J, Tsukiyama T Mol Cell Biol Oct. 1, 2001
Fidelity of DNA polymerase epsilon holoenzyme from budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Shimizu K, Hashimoto K, Kirchner JM, Nakai W, Nishikawa H, Resnick MA, Sugino A J Biol Chem Oct. 4, 2002
The quaternary structure of DNA polymerase epsilon from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Chilkova O, Jonsson BH, Johansson E J Biol Chem April 18, 2003
Global analysis of protein expression in yeast. Ghaemmaghami S, Huh WK, Bower K, Howson RW, Belle A, Dephoure N, O'Shea EK, Weissman JS Nature Oct. 16, 2003
Noncompetitive counteractions of DNA polymerase epsilon and ISW2/yCHRAC for epigenetic inheritance of telomere position effect in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Iida T, Araki H Mol Cell Biol Feb. 1, 2004
Histone fold protein Dls1p is required for Isw2-dependent chromatin remodeling in vivo. McConnell AD, Gelbart ME, Tsukiyama T Mol Cell Biol April 1, 2004
Approaching a complete repository of sequence-verified protein-encoding clones for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Hu Y, Rolfs A, Bhullar B, Murthy TV, Zhu C, Berger MF, Camargo AA, Kelley F, McCarron S, Jepson D, Richardson A, Raphael J, Moreira D, Taycher E, Zuo D, Mohr S, Kane MF, Williamson J, Simpson A, Bulyk ML, Harlow E, Marsischky G, Kolodner RD, LaBaer J Genome Res April 1, 2007
Proteome-wide identification of in vivo targets of DNA damage checkpoint kinases. Smolka MB, Albuquerque CP, Chen SH, Zhou H Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A June 19, 2007
A multidimensional chromatography technology for in-depth phosphoproteome analysis. Albuquerque CP, Smolka MB, Payne SH, Bafna V, Eng J, Zhou H Mol Cell Proteomics July 1, 2008

Last modification of this entry: Oct. 12, 2010.

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