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Heteroduplex DNA with nick 5' to mismatch and nicks around mismatch, and with bound MutSalpha-MutLalpha complex and ExoI, with partially excised errorenous strand

[Homo sapiens]

Heteroduplex DNA with nick 5' to mismatch and nicks around mismatch, and with bound MutSalpha-MutLalpha complex and ExoI, with partially excised errorenous strand is part of following pathways: This DNA state is a resulting state in the following reactions:

Reaction Previous state Following state
ExoI excises errorenous strand heteroduplex DNA with nick 5' to mismatch in Homo sapiens Heteroduplex DNA with nick 5' to mismatch and nicks around mismatch, and with bound MutSalpha-MutLalpha complex, bound by ExoI (distant site) in Homo sapiens Heteroduplex DNA with nick 5' to mismatch and nicks around mismatch, and with bound MutSalpha-MutLalpha complex and ExoI, with partially excised errorenous strand in Homo sapiens

This DNA state is a previous state in the following reactions:

Reaction Previous state Following state
RPA protects single stranded DNA (5' directed) in Homo sapiens Heteroduplex DNA with nick 5' to mismatch and nicks around mismatch, and with bound MutSalpha-MutLalpha complex and ExoI, with partially excised errorenous strand in Homo sapiens Heteroduplex DNA with single strand protected by RPA (5' directed, distant site) in Homo sapiens

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