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Bujnicki Lab Homepage


Protein FULL name:

DNA damage-inducible protein I [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. W3110].

DinI (Escherichia coli strain K-12 substr. MG1655) is product of expression of dinI gene.

DinI is involved in:

DDS in Escherichia coli strain K-12 substr. MG1655


FUNCTION: Involved in SOS regulation. Inhibits recA by preventing recA to bind ssDNA. Can displace ssDNA from recA.

SIMILARITY: Belongs to the dinI family.

SEQUENCE CAUTION: Sequence=BAA35858.1; Type=Erroneous initiation;

NCBI GenPept GI number(s): 89107907
Species: Escherichia coli

Links to other databases:

Database ID Link
Uniprot P0ABR1 P0ABR1
PFAM: - P0ABR1 (Link - using uniprot id)
InterPro: - P0ABR1 (Link - using uniprot id)
CATH: - -
SCOP: - -
PDB: - -

Protein sequence:


Title Authors Journal
A 718-kb DNA sequence of the Escherichia coli K-12 genome corresponding to the 12.7-28.0 min region on the linkage map. Oshima T, Aiba H, Baba T, Fujita K, Hayashi K, Honjo A, Ikemoto K, Inada T, Itoh T, Kajihara M, Kanai K, Kashimoto K, Kimura S, Kitagawa M, Makino K, Masuda S, Miki T, Mizobuchi K, Mori H, Motomura K, Nakamura Y, Nashimoto H, Nishio Y, Saito N, Horiuchi T, et al. DNA Res June 1, 1996
Multicopy suppressors of the cold-sensitive phenotype of the pcsA68 (dinD68) mutation in Escherichia coli. Yasuda T, Nagata T, Ohmori H J Bacteriol July 1, 1996
The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli K-12. Blattner FR, Plunkett G 3rd, Bloch CA, Perna NT, Burland V, Riley M, Collado-Vides J, Glasner JD, Rode CK, Mayhew GF, Gregor J, Davis NW, Kirkpatrick HA, Goeden MA, Rose DJ, Mau B, Shao Y Science Sept. 5, 1997
Solution structure of DinI provides insight into its mode of RecA inactivation. Ramirez BE, Voloshin ON, Camerini-Otero RD, Bax A Protein Sci Nov. 1, 2000
A model for the abrogation of the SOS response by an SOS protein: a negatively charged helix in DinI mimics DNA in its interaction with RecA. Voloshin ON, Ramirez BE, Bax A, Camerini-Otero RD Genes Dev Jan. 15, 2001
Highly accurate genome sequences of Escherichia coli K-12 strains MG1655 and W3110. Hayashi K, Morooka N, Yamamoto Y, Fujita K, Isono K, Choi S, Ohtsubo E, Baba T, Wanner BL, Mori H, Horiuchi T Mol Syst Biol Jan. 1, 2006

Last modification of this entry: Oct. 12, 2010.

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